The Board of Directors ensures that the Foundation’s goals are achieved by taking all the necessary measures. It is entrusted with:
Vice-président et Administrateur délégué de la Fondation Prince Albert II de Monaco
The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation was established in 2006 to tackle environmental challenges including climate change, biodiversity, and water resources. In 2019, Wenden was appointed Vice-President and CEO of the Foundation. With a background as the Executive Director for 5 years, Wenden played a pivotal role in the international growth of the Foundation, streamlining its fundraising approach and expanding its partnerships with private sector organizations to support science-based initiatives. Prior to his role at the Foundation, Wenden held key positions in the Parliament of Monaco, serving as Chief of Staff and international affairs advisor, as well as Chargé de Mission for the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation. He holds a degree from Sciences Po Bordeaux and the University of Sorbonne Nouvelle.
CEO of the Oceanographic Institute of Monaco, Prince Albert I of Monaco
Très impliqué dans la protection des océans, cet ancien conseiller au Cabinet de S.A.S. le Prince Albert II de Monaco a exercé les fonctions de Ministre de l'Equipement, de l’Environnement et de l'Urbanisme de la Principauté entre 2006 et 2009. Ses thèmes de prédilection sont notamment les Aires Marines Protégées, la sauvegarde des requins ou encore la préservation des grands fonds marins et des récifs coralliens.
Depuis 2009, M. Robert Calacagno est Directeur Général de l'Institut Océanographique et dirige le Musée océanographique de Monaco et la Maison des Océans de Paris.
Principal Advisor to the Paradise Foundation (China),SYSTEMIQ (London) and Rockefeller Brothers Foundation(USA)
Mrs Maria Damanaki is a member of the Friends of OceanCommission of the World Economic Forum. She sits on theBoard of Directors of European Marine Regions Forum andof Marine Stewardship Council (MSC).
Maria Damanaki served for five years as the GlobalManaging Director for Oceans at The Nature ConservancyUSA. She also served as the European Union Commissionerfor Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. Under her leadership, the Commission introduced a new Common Fisheries Policy that brought fish populations back to healthierlevels—from as few as five sustainable stocks in 2010 to up more than 30 today. She also served as a Greekpolitician for many years. She was the first woman leader of a Greek political party. Author of four books onGender and Human Rights issues, Education and European Policy.
Biologist and palaeontologist, Head of Zoology at the Australian Museum, Sydney, former Chief Commissioner of Australia’s first Climate Commission
En 2005, le Professeur Tim Flannery a été nommé Humaniste Australien de l’année (Australian Humanist Of the Year – AHOY) et en 2007 Australien de l’année.En 2011, il a été fait Chevalier de l’Ordre de Saint Charles. Il est également Membre Fondateur du Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, groupe composé de scientifiques, économistes et hommes d’affaires australiens travaillant sur des solutions pour la protection de l’eau, de la terre et de la biodiversité.
Il a été l’un des Administrateur Fondateur de l’Australian Wildlife Conservancy et Membre du Conseil International du WWF. En 2007, il a co-fondé et présidé le Conseil de Copenhague sur le climat, un groupe d’entreprises et de communautés qui a travaillé avec le gouvernement danois lors de la COP15. En 2011, il a également été nommé Premier Commissaire australien au climat, et en 2013 il a créé l’Australian Climate Council, une organisation indépendante à but non lucratif, dont il est aujourd’hui le Conseiller principal. Il est membre du Comité Consultatif du développement durable (Sustainability Advisory Board) de Tata Power (Inde).
Ambassador of France, Honorary Senior Audit Manager at the Cour des Comptes (French Audit Office)
Mr. Alain Le Roy, a graduate engineer from the Écolenationale supérieure des mines of Paris, began his careerwith the Total Group as Deputy Managing Director Asia forExploration and Production. Subsequently, he joined thecivil service to take up a position as Deputy Governor, Headof Cabinet of the Prefect of Eure-et-Loir (1990-1991) beforebecoming Deputy Governor of Avallon (1991-1992). In 1992,he was appointed Head of Cabinet and Advisor to theFrench Minister for Agriculture.
Mr. Le Roy has held various positions within the United Nations: Deputy Special Coordinator in Sarajevo(1995), Regional Administrator in Kosovo (1999-2000) and Under-Secretary-General in charge ofpeacekeeping operations (2008-2011). After serving as National Coordinator of the Stability Pact for SouthEast Europe, he was appointed European Union Special Representative in Macedonia. Within the Ministry ofForeign Affairs, he was appointed Assistant Secretary for Economic and Financial Affairs, before becomingAmbassador of France to Madagascar and Ambassador in charge of the Union for the Mediterranean Project.Formerly Honorary Senior Counsellor at the French Cour des comptes, Mr. Alain Le Roy is currentlyAmbassador of France and Special Envoy for the International Covid Response Initiative in Africa. On theother hand, he is an Officer of the Legion of Honour and a Former member of the following Boards ofDirectors: GDF, CNES, Villa Médicis and the Supervisory Board of the AFD.
President of the Party for Democracy (PPD), former Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Chile
Actuellement Président du Parti pour la Démocratie (PPD), M. Heraldo Muñoz a occupé différents postes au sein du Gouvernement chilien. Entre autres : Ministre des Affaires Etrangères (2014/2018), Ministre Secrétaire Général du Gouvernement, Ambassadeur du Chili au Brésil et Ambassadeur du Chili auprès des Nations unies, où il a présidé le Conseil de Sécurité (Janvier 2004). Auparavant, il a été Sous-Secrétaire Général des Nations Unies, Administrateur Assistant et Directeur Régional pour l'Amérique Latine et les Caraïbes du Programme des
Nations Unies pour le développement (PNUD). En tant que Ministre chilien des Affaires Etrangères, M. Muñoz a mené une action pour la protection des océans, en plaidant pour l'établissement de la conservation des océans comme l'un des 17 objectifs de l'Agenda 2030 des Nations unies et a organisé la conférence "Our Ocean" au Chili. Sous sa direction, le Chili a créé de nombreuses aires marines protégées, ce qui a permis à son pays d'atteindre, en 2018, environ 43 % de la zone économique exclusive chilienne sous protection, contre 4,2 % en 2014.
Business leader, campaigner and co-author of “Net Positive"
Paul Polman works to accelerate action by business to achieve the UN Global Goals, which he helped develop. As CEO of Unilever (2009-2019), he demonstrated that a long-term, multi-stakeholder model goes hand-in-hand with excellent financial performance, and has been described by the Financial Times as "a standout CEO of the past decade." Paul’s new book, “Net Positive”, is a call to arms to courageous business leaders, setting out how to build net positive companies which profit by fixing the world’s problems rather than creating them. He Chairs IMAGINE and Saïd Business School, and is Vice-Chair of the UN Global Compact as well as B Team Leader. Paul Polman is Honorary Chair of the International Chamber of Commerce, which he led for two years.
President of the National Council of Monaco
Director General of the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), Director of the Society for Environmental Communications
Mme Sunita Narain travaille au "Centre for Science and Environment" (CSE) depuis 1982. Elle est actuellement Directrice Générale du CSE, Directrice de la "Society for Environmental Communications" et éditrice du magazine "Down To Earth". Auparavant, elle a été Membre du Conseil du Premier Ministre sur le changement climatique et Membre du "National Ganga Basin Authority" présidé par le Premier Ministre, mis en place pour développer des stratégies
Director of Veolia Foundation
M. Thierry Vandevelde, Docteur ès Sciences et ingénieur spécialiste des questions liées à l'eau, est actuellement Délégué Général de la Fondation VEOLIA engagée dans le développement durable en France et à l'étranger. Auparavant, il a exercé plusieurs fonctions : Responsable de la préservation de l'environnement au sein de la Compagnie Générale des Eaux, Responsable des programmes de recherche, puis Directeur des technologies au sein de la division technique internationale de Veolia Eau.
M. Vandevelde est membre de l'American Water Works Association ainsi que Secrétaire du Comité français du Programme Solidarité Eau (pS-Eau). Il siège, par ailleurs, au Conseil d'Administration de plusieurs organisations à but non-lucratif. Il est chevalier dans l’ordre de la légion d’honneur.
Photo ©Ingenweyen Bruchhaus
Senior Fellow and Director Environmental Security, Stimson Center
Sally Yozell’s research examines the suite of environmental threats that have the potential to undermine national, regional, or global security. Her work focuses on ocean security, climate security and wildlife protection.
Yozell leads a team of experts who explore the links between natural resources protection, environmental crime and global security issues to develop security strategies that combat illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing, thwart illicit wildlife networks and increase transparency and traceability throughout the seafood supply chain. She also devises innovative resiliency strategies to address climate and ocean risk, particularly in coastal cities. Since 2017 Yozell has served in an advisory role to the host governments for the annual global Our Ocean Conference. She and her team conduct research and take it to action by engaging civil society, governments and the private sector.
Prior to joining Stimson, Yozell was a Senior Advisor to the Secretary of State where she provided advice and technical expertise to advance U.S. policies in the international arena related to ocean, climate, and wildlife protection. She joined the State Department to support and manage the Our Ocean Conferences in 2014 and 2016 where her efforts helped steward close to $10 billion in conservation commitments and investments in marine protected areas, including the expansion of the Pacific Remote Islands, and the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monuments.
While at the State Department Yozell led government wide efforts to combat IUU fishing, including initiating a global seafood traceability program, working to successfully ratify the Port State Measures Agreement Treaty. She also designed policies with partners in the G-7 countries to reduce marine litter, and was instrumental in the global strategy that successfully created the world’s largest marine protected area in Antarctica’s Ross Sea. In addition, she worked closely with civil society and ocean partners to include the role of the ocean in the international climate negotiations.
Previously, Yozell served as Director of Policy and as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Oceans at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). She also worked as a Regional Director for Marine Conservation at The Nature Conservancy; was a Vice President in the applied marine science group at Battelle Memorial Institute; and worked for almost a decade in the U.S. Senate as an environment and energy advisor to Senator John Kerry.
Yozell holds a Master’s degree in Public Administration from Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government and a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from the University of Vermont.
Member of the China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development (CCICED), member of the UN Global Compact Board, member of the Global Commons Alliance Steering Committee, former Director General of WWF International