
The MedFund

Improving the management effectiveness of marine protected areas (MPAs) in the Mediterranean

Beyond Plastic Med: BeMed

A commitment for a plastic free Mediterranean Sea

Monk Seal Alliance

Strengthening concerted action to protect the Mediterranean monk seal

Global Fund for Coral Reefs

Protect and restore coral reefs

Human - Wildlife Initiative

Facilitating the coexistence of wildlife and human activities


Ocean Acidification and other ocean Changes – Impacts and Solutions

The Pelagos initiative

Protection, conservation and promotion of the Pelagos Sanctuary


Donors’ Initiative For Mediterranean Freshwater Ecosystems

The Polar Initiative

Together for a greater protection of polar regions

Forests and Communities Initiative

Forest conservation through the action of indigenous peoples and local communities


Mr. Goodfish

Promoting a more responsible seafood consumption

Because The Ocean

Calling for inclusion of the ocean in climate negotiations