Monaco takes action to protect marine environment
Because protecting the oceans remains a major challenge for sustainable development, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation and its partners, the Oceanographic Institute of Monaco, the Scientific Centre of Monaco and the Yacht Club of Monaco, with the support of the Prince's Government, wanted to maintain this week of mobilisation with the main international players in the management and protection of the ocean. The threats to the ocean continue despite the pandemic.
The 2021 edition of the Monaco Ocean Week will therefore take place from 22 to 28 March, in a hybrid format, offering virtual and face-to-face events, depending on the event and the possibilities for hosting it in strict compliance with health standards.
Opened by the Monaco Blue Initiative (MBI), it will bring together scientists, experts, NGOs and representatives of civil society throughout the week to discuss major issues such as plastic pollution, ocean acidification, coral reefs and scientific research.
The Monaco Blue Initiative and Monaco Ocean Week benefit from the support of Rolex and Barclays Private Bank.
On Monday 22 March, the 12th Monaco Blue Initiative will bring together various stakeholders and decision-makers in the field of sustainable management and conservation of the Ocean, around the blue economy, whether they be representatives of governments, international organisations, civil society, the private sector or the scientific community.
HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco will deliver the welcome address opening this year's event, which will focus on three forward-looking themes: :
- The role of international negotiations for better ocean governance
- How to integrate Ocean issues and SDGs (in particular SDG14) into companies’ Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) strategy?
- From blue economy to blue finance: what role does the financial sector need to play in managing risks related to biodiversity loss and financing the sustainable blue economy?
The major issues of marine conservation are now widely identified and call for creativity and innovation! Ocean acidification, plastic pollution, threatened fauna, collapse of coral reefs... These are all issues that need to mobilise the wider number of person. Will be for example presented during Monaco Ocean Week :
- Artificial reefs made with a 3D printer,
- Start-ups implementing solutions against plastic pollution,
- The potential of algae to regenerate the ocean,
- The impact of new motorisation methods in the yachting sector,
Every year, 8 million tonnes of plastic end up in the ocean. Plastic pollution is one of the most visible and serious environmental problems. The global pollution resulting from their production and incineration contributes significantly to global warming.
During the week, many international actors will intervene to initiate reflection, present solutions and launch initiatives against this pollution, for example :
- An overview of existing legal instruments, current developments and proposed solutions to combat plastic pollution of the ocean in international, European and comparative law,
- With IUCN, a review of the latest figures on plastic pollution in the Mediterranean,
- The BeMed 2021 laureates, who will present their respective projects,
- The contributions of Colombia to fight plastic pollution,
- With The Animal Fund, the presentation of Upcycling, an entrepreneurial, innovative and creative approach to better manage waste,
- The German Ocean Foundation's 15 proposals to solve the plastic crisis
Faced with the overexploitation of marine resources, it is essential today to engage in joint, national and international reflection and action to raise awareness and protect marine ecosystems. Monaco Ocean Week will be the occasion to highlight the actions undertaken by :
- The International Coral Reef Initiative, which Monaco has been co-chairing alongside Australia and Indonesia since 2018.
- The Global Fund for Coral Reefs, a mixed funding mechanism which uses public and philanthropic funds to catalyse private investment for the conservation and restoration of coral reefs
- The Monk Seal Alliance, which works for the conservation of one of the most threatened species: the Mediterranean monk seal.
- The Monaco Ocean Science Federation, which will bring together the heads of some of Europe's most important marine science research organisations to look beyond the crisis and chart exciting prospects for the ocean together.
- Sphyrna Odyssey, which will report on the results of its Quiet Sea mission dedicated to listening to the marine environment in times of confinement.
- The skipper Boris Herrmann, who installed an on-board laboratory on his IMOCA to measure CO2 emissions during the last Vendée Globe and report on the state of the sea.
More information on : https://www.monacooceanweek.org/fr/le-programme/
Contacts Presse
Fondation Prince Albert II de Monaco : Nadège Massé – nmasse@fpa2.org
Agence the desk : Laurence de la Touche 06 09 11 11 32 – laurence@agencethedesk.com