Organisation d'une conférence sur les déchets aquatiques

Organisation d'une conférence sur les déchets aquatiques

Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
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Dates / Project duration

June 2014 - December 2015 / 19 months

Field of action :

Integrated and sustainable management of water resources

Branch :


Location :


Project sponsor(s) :

Surfrider Foundation Europe


On the 10th and 11th of March 2015, the international conference entitled: “Plastic in the Mediterranean: beyond the observation, what solution?” took place in Monaco. Organized by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, TARA, Surfrider Foundation Europe and Mava Foundation, the conference gathered over 200 people coming from 10 Mediterranean countries. The numerous actors concerned about plastic pollution and the life cycle of plastic litter presented the results of their studies, pointed out the obstacles they faced and discussed potential solutions. These fruitful debates helped formulate the "Monaco Declaration, to act against plastic pollution in the Mediterranean", and the action started with the creation of the Task Force "Beyond Plastic Med". BeMed is aiming at increasing public awareness and mobilizing civil society around field actions and communication campaigns at the regional scale.

During these two days, three workshops were held: 1°/ Plastic in the Mediterranean: Observations 2°/ Identification of the hindrances and blockages to possible solutions 3°/ Innovation: a solution that works for ecological transition.

The international conference was followed by the opening of the photography exhibition of Gregg Segal, Tess Felix and Alain Delorme at the Galerie des pêcheurs (Monaco-Ville, Monaco).